"Food is like sex: when you abstain, even the worst stuff begins to look good."

Monday, April 4, 2011

Childhood faves

I love to eat food that reminds of my childhood. Some of my faves are taco shop and hate to say it but flamin hot cheetos. Ive yet to find healthier variations of flamin hots but taco shop is easily made healthier at home. Some other weird ones i have are cinnamon toast that my grandma would make me and tuna pasta salad. I know tuna salad is a weird one but for some reason when we would go to Soup exchange as a kid i loved getting tuna pasta salad. It was kind of a weird treat because my mom never liked fish so we didn't have it often. This version is my fave to keep on hand for work lunches or a quick bite between work and school.

2-3 chopped stalks of celery
chopped onion to your hearts content
3 servings of high fiber pasta- I like barilla plus, or dreamfield. You could use whole wheat pasta too but Sal says it taste like butt.
1/4 cup of light mayo
1/4 of fat free greek yogurt
2 shredded zuchinni
( I looove shredded zuchinni. It's the perfect veggie to add bulk and takes on other foods flavors. I put it in soup, pasta sauce, salad, even bake it in bread or muffins)
1 can of tuna in water (no fat high in protein. Body builders live on this stuff and find ways to eat it 6 times a day. I once saw a recipe for a loaf of tuna bread. I hope I never get to that point.)
squirt of mustard , garlic powder and dill
salt and pepper and your good to go.
Its best when you refrigerate it and top it with a small serving of Parmesan. But I'm a fat girl in a future fit girls body and decided to eat it right then!

-If you don't like tuna you can used canned chicken breast, tofu,  low fat cheese, or garbanzo beans
-You can add any veggies you like- olives, peas, artichokes, red peppers, basil are some of my fave
-and if god forbid you run out of your enormous stock of fermented milk of the gods, known as  greek yogurt, you could just use all light mayo.

I pray it never happens though....

school snack at 1:00
Didnt eat the fiber bar, i left math class early.

pre work out- 2:30 Protein bread toasted with smart balance light (which im not particularly fond of) with cinnamon and stevia

post work out- 5:30 1.5 cups of my tuna pasta salad topped with 2 tbs asiago cheese

Now Ive decided to skip history class cause I'm a horrible student and go for a hike down to sunset cliffs with Sal.

ps for the love of god and for my own personal sanity so that I don't feel like I am just talking to myself in internet la la land, would anyone else like to share their favorite childhood foods? or anything for that matter??




  1. Oh man I was a junk food baby lol. I loved mac n cheese, mashed potatoes with corn, waffles, cereal (fav was Fruity/Cocoa Pebbles), biscuits with honey, Little Debbie Nutty Bars, Swiss Cake Rolls, and Cinnamon Pinwheels...I could go on forever. No wonder I was a fat kid lol. It's amazing how much my eating has changed over the years. I don't eat any of those foods now and would probably feel sick if I did. I'm with you on making healthier versions, though. I have yet to be brave enough to attempt vegan mac n cheese but maybe that's in my future....lol

  2. aw man i totally forgot about cereal. I think I lived on cereal for like a year. I gave up on vegan mac and cheese. I tried it once with chreeze or something like that. Not even sure it's on the market anymore but not good. Nor is nutritional yeast. Unless something amazing in the world of fake cheese has happened in the last 3 years I have no good news. But I do remember making a fabulous french bread pizza with a cheese like substance that I made out of vegan sour cream and the oil from a can of artichokes mixed together, poured on top and baked. That one I was actually proud of.

  3. I looooooooooooooooved this chocolate peanut butter called Koogle (with the koo koo koogly eyes). Kinda like nutella but more chocolaty. I loved it so much that when they discontinued it, mom had to make it for me by mixing peanut butter and hershey's chocolate syrup! I remember they also had a banana version and I think an apple cinnamon or something. Oh and when we were little, we would play gourmet restaurant and take white wonder bread, spread ketchup on it, top it with kraft american cheese, toast it slightly and call it pizza! Yeah, we were gourmands, allright!

  4. Paaaaaaaannnncakes for sure! But you already know this all too well. Im a sucker for anything pancakes. You should share your protein pancake recipe, and then make me some.........

  5. hah Mikey and I used to play drive through on our Patio. We'd take out the window above our kitchen sink and he'd drive his bike up and order a pb&J or a can of whatever was in the cupboard.

    and sal I had every intention of making protein pancakes yesterday but SOMEONE (me) forgot to buy eggs :P

  6. Oh, I want the recipe for protein pancakes! Also can you experiment and come up with a recipe for a good tasting protein mocha frappucino or something? I don't like breakfast that much but I'm the same as you where if I eat enough protein for breakfast, I don't crave carbs all day. I have the protein powder but don't have any good recipes for it!
