"Food is like sex: when you abstain, even the worst stuff begins to look good."

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Catch up

I've been slacking the last couple days...I didn't even cook Wednesday night but Sal made some amazing rolled tacos. We had some shredded chicken left over and he rolled them in corn tortillas and squished about 5 of them in a pan together and just toasted them without using oil. He topped em with cabbage, tomato and light cheese. Then on the side was avocado and greek yogurt. I think he's trying to one up me....
I think I redeemed myself because the next day I made some Kale chips to snack on. I swear they sound crazy but they really aren't half bad and it's a great way to eat a bunch of veggies. Kale is especially go
od for you but I've yet to make it without it tasting dreadfully bitter. This is the best think since sliced bread! I top mine with garlic seasoning or a ms dash southwestern seasoning. I also made some fat boy style biscuits and gravy because Sal was dying for some. I didn't touch them though. Instead I had some of the turkey sausage and egg beaters for dinner. I  just love breakfast foods especially for dinner.
I went to costco for a work related food run and I was SOOOOO EXCITED! I was addicted to these things a few months ago but they told me they were discontinued. Only 60 calories a serving and just as addicting as regular chips.
This is just a pic of my favorite rediscovered dessert. I'm not really one of those psycho girls who needs chocolate constantly. I'm way more of a apple cinnamon or fruity dessert lover, but damn these things hit the spot sometimes. These are the vitatops that Hungry Girl obsesses about. They're a bit pricey to order online but I found them at Costco as well. At Target they have other flavors. The banana nut is my fave. They're not exactly "healthy" for you. They still have some sugar in them but have some added fiber and vitamins. They taste great and at 100 cal each they sure beat eating real chocolate cake. I top mine with whip cream, sugar free chocolate sauce and some sliced almonds.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"You can't just walk in here with a big banana and expect everything to be peaches"

Study Study Study
But I can't say I hate every second of it because it beats going to work and I get to lay in my bed with my dougie and the heater. I woke up at the crack of 7am today which is ridiculous for me. Had two pieces of sprouted low carb bread with low sugar jelly. I love this stuff. I get it from Henry's. Has 45 cal a slice- 8 g carbs, 5 g protein. Just to be clear I'm not endorsing low carb as a diet. I'm a carb lover not a hater. But I love carbs so much that if I eat regular bread too often all I want to eat is regular bread. This stuff doesn't quite taste like white bread but I think that's a good thing. It's much nuttier and grainier but also way more filling.

Then around 9am I made a lighter version of my green smoothie since I already had a small breakfast, I just put in a few frozen strawberries, blueberries and almond milk. Blend it together then add a handful of spinach. It looks funky sometimes but it tastes damn good. Plus the color of the blueberries masks the funky green and its a great way to get some veggies in for breakfast. If your into the green thing omit blueberries and use other light fruits like mango or banana. Might be a cool thing for kids too. You could call it a monster shake or a franken smoothie. Kids like that weird color stuff, remember green ketchup?

Long gone are the days of an iced cold mug of beer being the breakfast of champions. But never say never again :)

Ive been doing yoga or pilates the last 3 days so today I'm gonna get some cardio in. I like this class they have on Wednesday at Lava. It's 30 minutes of the gravity machine, which is basically like weight training but much more smooth and less room for error. Then 30 minutes of my trainer steve yelling at me on the treadmill. It's the only way I run on the treadmill. I've always enjoyed running outside much more but lately I just haven't been into it. Maybe in a few months when I get bored of the pilates and yoga kick I'm on. I notice I get burnt out on certain exercises after a couple months but I hear it's better to change it up so that your body doesn't get used to it. I used to be the eliptical queen when i first started going to the gym. I'd go 4-5 days a week and for 2 years I saw no results. I felt this false sense of accomplishment though because at least I was going to the gym.
Then one day for some crazy reason I decided to go for a jog even though Ive hated running all my life. I started with maybe half a mile. Then 3 months later I was at 3 miles without stopping. Eventually I moved near Balboa Park and fell in love with the area so I started running more. I had just met Sal and told him I always though about running a 10k but didn't want to commit to it. He pushed me to sign up and even said he'd do it with me. So we trained in the mornings for 3 weeks prior to the race. Doing a 10k was a huge accomplishment and I got results that I never had from the elliptical because it was something new that my body was so not used to.
The last few months I was doing a lot of boxing classes and boot camp style interval training but it started to get stale. I know that without proper diet I won't get anywhere near the results that I want so I'm hoping that sticking with my healthier eating plan and getting in 4 days of a good sweat drenching work out will slowly but steadily get me where I want to be. It sure beats the starve, binge, quite going to the gym cycle.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So slept in today and grabbed something to eat at work. I always have a stash of whole wheat english muffins, oatmeal packets, greek yogurt, fiber bars, dried fruit and nuts. The good thing about being in charge of the Dietary Department is that I can use the kitchen whenever. Today i fried up an egg and added fat free cheese and put it on a high fiber english muffin.

All seemed to be going well until all of a sudden....Department head luncheon for so and so's birthday. I'm one of 6 department heads so If I don't show I'll turn into the girl they don't wanna invite anymore. I suppose I'm just making excuses but I wasn't even hungry for lunch yet. But bad habits die hard and I went anyway and against my better judgement had some chinese food. I just picked out the broccoli of the beef and broccoli and ate 2 pieces of orange chicken & maybe 3 tbs of lo-mein. Instead of hating myself and feeling like a slave to greasy salty yummy food I just decided I'll eat a lighter dinner.

Then at 2:30 without even thinking I just grabbed a pack of mini gobstoppers out of my coworkers candy drawer and ate it in 2 minutes. Then a mini twizzler! I always have this crash in the afternoon. I bet if I didn't eat junk for lunch that wouldn't have happened. Lesson learned I guess.

Ate a few baby carrots before yoga. Now I'm finishing up some greek yogurt with agave nectar and a kiwi. Have a Spanish test tomorrow and a world religion test on Thursday. Wish me luck.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Childhood faves

I love to eat food that reminds of my childhood. Some of my faves are taco shop and hate to say it but flamin hot cheetos. Ive yet to find healthier variations of flamin hots but taco shop is easily made healthier at home. Some other weird ones i have are cinnamon toast that my grandma would make me and tuna pasta salad. I know tuna salad is a weird one but for some reason when we would go to Soup exchange as a kid i loved getting tuna pasta salad. It was kind of a weird treat because my mom never liked fish so we didn't have it often. This version is my fave to keep on hand for work lunches or a quick bite between work and school.

2-3 chopped stalks of celery
chopped onion to your hearts content
3 servings of high fiber pasta- I like barilla plus, or dreamfield. You could use whole wheat pasta too but Sal says it taste like butt.
1/4 cup of light mayo
1/4 of fat free greek yogurt
2 shredded zuchinni
( I looove shredded zuchinni. It's the perfect veggie to add bulk and takes on other foods flavors. I put it in soup, pasta sauce, salad, even bake it in bread or muffins)
1 can of tuna in water (no fat high in protein. Body builders live on this stuff and find ways to eat it 6 times a day. I once saw a recipe for a loaf of tuna bread. I hope I never get to that point.)
squirt of mustard , garlic powder and dill
salt and pepper and your good to go.
Its best when you refrigerate it and top it with a small serving of Parmesan. But I'm a fat girl in a future fit girls body and decided to eat it right then!

-If you don't like tuna you can used canned chicken breast, tofu,  low fat cheese, or garbanzo beans
-You can add any veggies you like- olives, peas, artichokes, red peppers, basil are some of my fave
-and if god forbid you run out of your enormous stock of fermented milk of the gods, known as  greek yogurt, you could just use all light mayo.

I pray it never happens though....

school snack at 1:00
Didnt eat the fiber bar, i left math class early.

pre work out- 2:30 Protein bread toasted with smart balance light (which im not particularly fond of) with cinnamon and stevia

post work out- 5:30 1.5 cups of my tuna pasta salad topped with 2 tbs asiago cheese

Now Ive decided to skip history class cause I'm a horrible student and go for a hike down to sunset cliffs with Sal.

ps for the love of god and for my own personal sanity so that I don't feel like I am just talking to myself in internet la la land, would anyone else like to share their favorite childhood foods? or anything for that matter??



I love breakfast

This morning I slept way too late to make anything exciting. Just had a packet of low sugar oatmeal and sounds nasty but i mix it with cottage cheese after its cooked and you can barely even taste the cottage cheese. I need protein in the morning otherwise I crave carbs all day long. I topped it with a little whip cream just to make it fat gurl style and some sliced almonds.

Lola smells and looks like she took one to many mushrooms in front of the hostel on newport ave in ob. Off to the groomers and then a long day of school for me. At my break I'll take pilates at Lava.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


On a note other than food and being fit...I am absolutely sure that Sals doppleganger is Marshal on how i met your mother.

Tell me I'm wrong? I wish I had an awesome name like marshmellow to call him :-/ Owell at least he's 10 times more handsome than Jason Seigal. Anyway for Dinner I had asparagus sauteed in some white wine with tons of spices. Then I tried something I never have before I baked a sweet potato and mixed greek yogurt with sugar free syrup. Josephs syrup is the best thing in the whole entire world. It has the consistency of honey. It's not all watery like most lite or SF syrups. Not gonna lie I loved it so much that I had Sal put a bottle in my purse at Soup Plantation. Don't judge me! I couldn't find it anywhere else. UNTIL the other day we found it at fresh and easy. Anyway I mixed the yogurt with the syrup and cinnamon and it was soooo good on my sweet potato. While watching how I met your mother I did end up eating some chips and salsa but I figure I gotta start with baby steps otherwise I'll go crazy.
Gonna try and hit the gym in the morning. Goodnight!

Cherry poppin post

So after I went on a cruise and ate like a fat gurl for 7 days straight I just haven't been motivated to go to the gym. Today I finally went to yoga and the reason I love working out is all coming back to me. You know that feeling you get when you eat a big piece of birthday cake with half melted ice cream? Like all is right with the world? Well that's how i feel in Savasana after an hour of pushing myself into pretzels. I LOVE IT. Wish I could say the same for interval training. I just do it because I know it's very effective but I'm not gonna lie, I hate every second of it.
 As for eating better I am hoping that starting this blog will make me feel more accountable for eating 2 cookies followed by a huge plate of firnee (afghan pistachio pudding) and some other sweet stuff that I can't pronounce but I know sure as hell isn't very good for you, all at my dads. I went to trader joes today and I bought some turkey meatballs because sal loves pasghetti and meatballs. I just love pasghetti and veggies not a big fan of the balls but I'll probably try one. Two balls for only 100 calories....what a deal! I also got some spinach to make some green smoothies which I had for lunch. Also got some stuff for grilled tilapia fish tacos. So the plan is to write and possibly take pictures of what I'm eating and hope that I can start eating cleaner and get rid of my sugar binge that happens every work day at 2:00.
So far today I had....
9:00 organic apple an hour before yoga
10:00 Added a little agave syrup to my zero cal sports drink just in case I crash while working out..which I'm glad I did because I started to get a little shakey and tired halfway through but this helped out.
12:00 A piece of proten bread post yoga with smart balance and low sugar jam and a piece of turkey bacon sal cooked up. Sooo good. Trader joes brand with no nitrates or fillers
2:00A green smoothie with frozen strawberries, half a banana, almond milk, ice, 15g protein powder, almonds, chia seeds and 2 cups of organic spinach.
5:00 half serving of all bran crackers with laughing cow wedge
Dinner will probably be asparagus and whatever else I have around.